DHG is Looking To Partner with a Diverse Group of Medical Practitioners of integrative medicine. Those who are an advocate of orthomolecular medicine, a term coined by Dr. Pauling in 1968. Orthomolecular medicine is defined as “the preservation of good health and the treatment of disease by varying the concentrations in the human body of substances that are normally present in the body and are required for health.” A Center patients can get well through the powerful effects of diet and exercise not from the results of dangerous drugs and risky surgical procedures.
This Medical Center would help people who have been failed by conventional medicine. At these clinics, patients receive powerful noninvasive therapies and learn the challenges of lifestyle changes. Practioners who are passionate about using a holistic approach to helping patients regain their health completely and not just getting better.
DHG goals are to divise a team of Medical Practitioners to focus on reversing “incurable” diseases and achieving newfound health and vitality. Some of the therapies to be performed at DeVine Holdings Vet Medical Rehab Center's would include acupuncture, natural bioidentical hormones, chiropractic, chelation, fasting, EECP, exercise training, high intensity laser, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, IV nutrients, infrared light therapy, massage therapy, We would even consider "STEM CELL" Treatments that do not include the use of unborn fetuses.
Real Estate:
DHG, Can Purchase or Merger & Acquisition Any Health Club Facilities that's completely furnished with funcional State of The Art exercise equipment. The business can be abandoned or failing because of bankruptcy nationwide. Our target areas are the Counties or Townships where Veterans most populate.